Lets reconnect to a wonderful person; That’s You !

Dear Friends

welcome back 😊

Let me ask you ” how many of you heard the word spirituality? I am sure many a times you did and how many of you just heard it and thought that’s not my cup of tea or it’s not for the youngsters or spirituality is so boring or it just cuts you off from society ? 

Growing up, I have heard from many people saying to me ” common, you are so young to get into spirituality” what’s the need ? Get married, have children and live a happy life. 

Today, When I look back at those people who said this to me, I say thank you to them because they are the one who actually made me curious to find out on why do they all say this, 

I know, lot of people have Many misconceptions in their mind about spirituality and those misconceptions they carry on with life long and miss the biggest opportunity to know what it actually is.

In all this what actually is Spirituality? Trust me their are thousand things you might have read on the internet and might have assumed a lot of things about it without even knowing anything actually which I had also done in my life.

“Internet is the best medium to know a lot of things but remember not all things are as they are and how they are written or presented on the Google 😊anyways moving on,

Once Buddha said, “Believe nothing until you experience it yourself” same goes with spirituality.

These days we have that one cord missing which connects us to self and that’s where spirituality has a role to play !

Let’s make a simple definition of spirituality

“Spirituality is a process of synchronizing body and mind together to live a balanced life” 

Easy ?? Now let’s make it more simple

How do we keep body and mind in a proper synchronised way ? 

1. Giving your Body an exercise 

2. Giving your Mind an excercise

See, you must have heard this sometime in your life that your body and mind both work 24/7 and hence they both need rest, and so we give rest to the body and mind by giving it a 8 to 10 hours of sleep.

But, let me tell you, your body and mind both need exercise too, to keep it fit and balanced.

I will give you a short example, if you have a vehicle, you regularly maintain it by driving it daily and keeping it clean, if by any chance you are travelling and  vehicle has to be idle for few days you will do it’s servicing and when you are back you will drive it to get it normalized if it’s not performing well due some technical problem, you will get it repair, Isn’t it ?

Same way, your body and mind is also a vehicle which keeps running for you all day long, it also needs servicing, cleaning, repairing. 

How ? Let’s see

  • Servicing daily : To provide right exercise and food to the body to keep it healthy
  • Cleaning daily  : To clean the mind to revitalize and get ready for next day.
  • Repairing  : some events in life linger on the MIND for long time and that’s when it needs a Repairing too.

      In our life we have become so busy in mundane things that we almost forgot that our Body and Mind which is actually working for you all your life also needs break sometimes”

      We are running so fast unaware that we need to stop say “okay, time to make a change now”

      Your Mind and Body both are interdependent on each other, one can’t perform without another.

      “Spirituality helps us to get one step closer to yourself ” when you actually forgot who you are” it’s not just body and mind , it’s something beyond.

      But let’s not talk about “Beyond” at this stage, let’s stick to synchronizing our Body and Mind for now to create a “Balanced life”

      I hope I have kept  definition of ” Spirituality” simple and clear !

      So, let’s take a pause for sometime and become “spiritual” which is the need of your own body and mind.

      Let’s not wait till the time is gone,

      “Time is Precious make a use of it to gain most of it for yourself “

      Lets discuss tomorrow about how to make body and mind more healthy and clean.

      With Love  !

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